Falconer Chester Hall Warrington

Mersey Street, Warrington

Existing massing:

The existing mass consists of a two storey brick building that is set back from the site boundary. Additionally, the building is not aligned to the road, (Mersey Street) but sits at an angle. The car park is the dominating feature of the area and dwarfs all nearby existing buildings. The existing building does not contribute to the urban grain of the area in a meaningful way.

Proposed massing:

The proposed mass is significantly different. Massing studies revealed that there is justification for a much taller building that can help to rebuild the area and better line Mersey Street. The proposed massing also addresses the size and scale of the car park, but in such a way that it is far less dominant within the local context. The edge of Bank Street is also now much better defined, which en- forces its role as a gateway and landmark into the redevelopment zone behind.


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